Meditation is a practice whereby an individual focuses on one particular object or abstract concept, in order to enhance concentration, attention, and train the mind. It also may involve the aspect of deep contemplation. Several techniques such as mindfulness or effective breathing are used.
As we understood what meditation is, we shall now discuss some of its importance and benefits.
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Importance of Meditation:
Importance of meditation means to discuss what makes it a fundamental thing of our life. This technique has been used for a millennium in order to train the people or followers to develop the ability to focus, but increasing both its intensity and duration. In fact, worship to God itself is one form of meditation, where the object of concern is God.
It was through meditation that people like Gautama Buddha found the meaning of life, and their individual salvations. Moreover, philosophers for centuries have used meditations as a technique to find answers about meaning and purpose of life, form, and contemplation upon the meaning of virtue, justice and society using these very methods.
Benefits of Meditation:
Benefits of Meditation is understanding how meditation will help us both physically and emotionally (mentally), and what greater good it holds for society. Some of its benefits are as such.
Improves patience and tolerance
Meditating will help you manage your emotions more, which will eventually make you more patient and tolerant of the ambiguities that exist in your surroundings.
Helps control Negativity
Sometimes one’s mind and heart get consumed by negativity and hatred. Meditation helps us to see the bigger picture, which in turn allows us that the negativity is a consequence of something more sinister, which helps us control all that negativity and hatred.
Makes you more creative
Creativity is the consequence of our deep imagination. With meditation you get more opportunity to think deeper about things which make you understand and appreciate beauty even more. This in turn makes you even more creative.
Helps with stress management
When there are too many things happening at a time it often makes you stressed. Meditation gives you a break from all these activities and brings peace to your heart and mind.
Improves breathing
The process of meditation involves a unique breathing pattern. With meditation, while you are focusing on something else, you subconsciously also practice breathing and help stabilise it. It will help you in other domains of life, for example: boosting your stamina.
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Improves Focus and attention span
This is perhaps the primary benefit of meditation. For people with short attention spans this can be a good practice to help you increase your focus on a particular thing, and maintain it for longer.
This is beneficial because it will eventually help you do and achieve more in your life in a shorter period of time, which will turn your life around.
If we all collectively meditate as a society, it might significantly increase us in our peace and happiness. Mediation is important and it can really help us mentally and physically also.
Use meditation to increase your overall wellbeing
With Love
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Lina Kochanske