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Aromatherapy. Essential oils to reduce stress and boost your immune system.

Aromatherapy. Essential oils’ benefits for your health and wellness. Main senses to reduce stress and boost your immune system.

There are a lot of ways to treat the stress someone is facing, and these natural methods are also great for boosting the immune system. One of these methods is aromatherapy. This is a method of therapy that includes the use of essential oils that are extracted from the plants for the treatment of physical and emotional health.

It is a scientifically proven method of treatment for different mental health situations as it has been used for centuries. Here we will discuss all the different benefits of essential oils used for aromatherapy for our health.

What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is a type of holistic treatment which utilised essential oils to promote mental and physical health. The essential oils used in this treatment methods are natural extracts of plants. Various types of aromatic oils with medicinal properties are used in this treatment method to improve the health of mind, body and spirit. It helps to balance the energies of body that brings positive effects.

Benefits of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy provides many amazing advantages to the mind and body. Here are a few you need to know about.

  • It has a calming effect on the body that helps to manage pain.

  • Reduce anxiety, agitation and stress.

  • Quality of sleep will improve that will positively affect physical health

  • Treat migraines and headache

  • Soothe painful joints and muscles

  • Reduce the discomfort that comes during labor

  • Improve digestion.

  • Boost immunity

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Uses of Aromatherapy to improve mental health.

The following are some of the benefits of the essential oils for our health and wellness.

Treatment of insomnia.

This is a form of sleeping disorder where the person is unable to get good quality sleep or in severe cases, the person is unable to get any sleep. This is a problem that is highly related to stress and other emotional health issues.

Additionally, Insomnia can cause problems like Fatigue and other severe mental health issues as well. However, the usage of essential oils in different forms can be helpful for dealing with this problem. Best oils to be used are Lavender, Chamomile, Clary Sage...etc.

Treatment of depression.

This is a condition where the person is so highly stressed that he or she takes everything in a negative perspective. As it is a condition of mental illness, the essential oils can be very helpful by treating the stress that causes of depression. Best oils for this condition are Lavender, Ginger, Bergamot...etc.

Treatment of fatigue.

Fatigue is a condition of being tired and feeling a lack of energy. This might end up in lack of motivation, being lazy, or feeling different types of pain because of the stress. As well as due to illness, but could also be caused by the lack of proper activity and diet.

However, it can lead towards stress and depression. In this condition, the use of essential oils can be very beneficial for relieving the stress and helping you in staying energetic and motivated. This will be very beneficial because the use of essential oils will lead to being attracted towards a better diet and increased activity which will boost your immune system as well. Best oils for this condition are Peppermint, Sweet Orange, Lemon...etc.

What are the methods of treatment of these diseases by the help of aromatherapy?

The essential oils used for aromatherapy are used in our daily life in many different ways. Some of the ways are listed below.

  • Diffusers

  • Steamers

  • Inhalers

  • Aromatic spritzers

  • Bathing salts

  • Clay masks

  • Essential Oil Roll Ons

  • Massage with essential oils

  • Creams, lotions, soaps, and body oils.

  • Cold and hot compresses

  • Scented Candles... etc.

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When we use these products, the smell of the essential oil keeps getting in our body through our sense of smell. Additionally, these essential oils also affect the different parts of the body by absorption. In this way, the essential oils are not only helpful for stress, but also very beneficial for treatment of different diseases.

Here are some of the most popular and most effective essential oils used in aromatherapy for stress relief and immune system boost.

Stress and anxiety relief:

• Lavender

• Chamomile

• Peppermint

• Rosemary

• Bergamot

Immune system boost:

  • Tea Tree

  • Eucalyptus

  • Lemon

  • Clove Buds

  • Rosemary

(Please note that Rosemary and Tea Tree oils should be used with caution and never on or near the face of infants or young children)

Essential oils can be used in blends, you can get simple recipes from aromatherapy expert that would be especially beneficial when diffused throughout the home to help boost immunity and purify the air.

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Although aromatherapy is a very effective way of treating several problems, it might still not be effective enough in some cases. It is because of the concentration of effective ingredients are much lower than in common medicines prescribed by the doctor.

So, whenever you are looking to start using essential oils for your health benefits, you must consider their side effects and also consult your doctor regarding the aromatherapy and your other medications for the best results. Here we discussed how essential oils can be very beneficial for the treatment of different physical and emotional health problems.

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Lina Kochanske

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